
Website statistics

Operations around Website statistics.


GET /api/websites/:websiteId/active
GET /api/websites/:websiteId/events
GET /api/websites/:websiteId/pageviews
GET /api/websites/:websiteId/metrics
GET /api/websites/:websiteId/stats

Unit Parameter

The unit parameter buckets the data returned. The unit is automatically converted to the next largest applicable time unit if the maximum is exceeded.

  • minute: Up to 60 minutes.
  • hour: Up to 48 hours.
  • day: Up to 12 months.
  • month: No limit.
  • year: No limit.

GET /api/websites/:websiteId/active

Gets the number of active users on a website.



Sample response

GET from url: https://umami.mydomain.com/api/websites/86d4095c-a2a8-4fc8-9521-103e858e2b41/active

  "x": 5
  • x: Number of unique visitors within the last 5 minutes

GET /api/websites/:websiteId/events/series

Gets events within a given time range.


  • startAt: Timestamp (in ms) of starting date.
  • endAt: Timestamp (in ms) of end date.
  • unit: Time unit (year | month | hour | day).
  • timezone: Timezone (ex. America/Los_Angeles).
  • url: (optional) Name of URL.
  • referrer: (optional) Name of referrer.
  • title: (optional) Name of page title.
  • host: (optional) Name of hostname.
  • os: (optional) Name of operating system.
  • browser: (optional) Name of browser.
  • device: (optional) Name of device (ex. Mobile)
  • country: (optional) Name of country.
  • region: (optional) Name of region/state/province.
  • city: (optional) Name of city.

Sample response

URL: https://umami.mydomain.com/api/websites/86d4095c-a2a8-4fc8-9521-103e858e2b41/events/series?startAt=1683262800000&endAt=1683349199999&unit=hour&timezone=America%2FLos_Angeles

  { "x": "live-demo-button", "t": "2023-04-12T22:00:00Z", "y": 1 },
  { "x": "get-started-button", "t": "2023-04-12T22:00:00Z", "y": 5 },
  { "x": "get-started-button", "t": "2023-04-12T23:00:00Z", "y": 4 },
  { "x": "live-demo-button", "t": "2023-04-12T23:00:00Z", "y": 4 },
  { "x": "social-Discord", "t": "2023-04-13T00:00:00Z", "y": 1 }
  • x: Event name.
  • t: Timestamp.
  • y: Number of events.

GET /api/websites/:websiteId/pageviews

Gets pageviews within a given time range.


  • startAt: Timestamp (in ms) of starting date.
  • endAt: Timestamp (in ms) of end date.
  • unit: Time unit (year | month | hour | day).
  • timezone: Timezone (ex. America/Los_Angeles).
  • url: (optional) Name of URL.
  • referrer: (optional) Name of referrer.
  • title: (optional) Name of page title.
  • host: (optional) Name of hostname.
  • os: (optional) Name of operating system.
  • browser: (optional) Name of browser.
  • device: (optional) Name of device (ex. Mobile)
  • country: (optional) Name of country.
  • region: (optional) Name of region/state/province.
  • city: (optional) Name of city.

Sample response

  "pageviews": [
    { "x": "2020-04-20 01:00:00", "y": 3 },
    { "x": "2020-04-20 02:00:00", "y": 7 }
  "sessions": [
    { "x": "2020-04-20 01:00:00", "y": 2 },
    { "x": "2020-04-20 02:00:00", "y": 4 }
  • x: Timestamp.
  • y: Number of visitors.

GET /api/websites/:websiteId/stats

Gets summarized website statistics.


  • startAt: Timestamp (in ms) of starting date.
  • endAt: Timestamp (in ms) of end date.
  • url: (optional) Name of URL.
  • referrer: (optional) Name of referrer.
  • title: (optional) Name of page title.
  • query: (optional) Name of query.
  • event: (optional) Name of event.
  • host: (optional) Name of hostname.
  • os: (optional) Name of operating system.
  • browser: (optional) Name of browser.
  • device: (optional) Name of device (ex. Mobile)
  • country: (optional) Name of country.
  • region: (optional) Name of region/state/province.
  • city: (optional) Name of city.

Sample response

URL: https://umami.mydomain.com/api/websites/86d4095c-a2a8-4fc8-9521-103e858e2b41/stats?startAt=1656679719687&endAt=1656766119687

  "pageviews": { "value": 3018, "prev": 3508 },
  "visitors": { "value": 847, "prev": 910 },
  "visits": { "value": 984, "prev": 1080 },
  "bounces": { "value": 537, "prev": 628 },
  "totaltime": { "value": 150492, "prev": 164713 }
  • pageviews: Pages hits
  • visitors: Number of unique visitors
  • visits: Number of sessions
  • bounces: Number of visitors who only visit a single page
  • totaltime: Time spent on the website

GET /api/websites/:websiteId/metrics

Gets metrics for a given time range.


  • startAt: Timestamp (in ms) of starting date.
  • endAt: Timestamp (in ms) of end date.
  • type: Metrics type (url | referrer | browser | os | device | country | event).
  • url: (optional) Name of URL.
  • referrer: (optional) Name of referrer.
  • title: (optional) Name of page title.
  • query: (optional) Name of query.
  • host: (optional) Name of hostname.
  • os: (optional) Name of operating system.
  • browser: (optional) Name of browser.
  • device: (optional) Name of device (ex. Mobile)
  • country: (optional) Name of country.
  • region: (optional) Name of region/state/province.
  • city: (optional) Name of city.
  • language: (optional) Name of language.
  • event: (optional) Name of event.
  • limit: (optional, default 500) Number of events returned.

Sample response

  { "x": "/", "y": 46 },
  { "x": "/docs", "y": 17 },
  { "x": "/download", "y": 14 }
  • x: Unique value, depending on metric type (url | referrer | browser | os | device | country | event).
  • y: Number of visitors.