
Running on turns containers into VMs that can be deployed in one or multiple regions. The fly launch process can automatically set up Postgres VM that in connection with your Umami app.

Setup using Umami's pre-built container

For anyone wishing to deploy Umami on Fly now, here's a simple method using Umami's pre-built container for postgres instead of pulling the source and modifying the Dockerfile.

If you don't already have flyctl installed, install it.

  1. In a new directory for your app, create fly.toml:
kill_signal = "SIGINT"
kill_timeout = "5s"

auto_rollback = true

image = ""

protocol = "tcp"
internal_port = 3000
processes = ["app"]

port = 80
handlers = ["http"]
force_https = true

port = 443
handlers = ["tls", "http"]

type = "connections"
hard_limit = 25
soft_limit = 20

interval = "15s"
timeout = "2s"
grace_period = "1s"
  1. fly launch and choose to create an app with the found fly.toml configuration.
  2. Go through the launch steps, and choose y on the step to create a connected Postgres app.
  3. Choose not to deploy the app yet.
  4. fly secrets set APP_SECRET="<any-string-minus-angle-brackets>", using whatever string you want to salt the hash.
  5. fly deploy There will be errors, but let the deployment complete.
  6. fly scale memory 512 (or higher, if needed. Umami seems to fail with less than 512 MB RAM)
  7. fly deploy
  8. Following the Umami docs, log in with user: admin and password: umami

Adjust instance locations, number of machines, auto-scaling, custom domains for your Umami app, and any other options as per Fly docs