
Tracker functions

The Umami tracker exposes a function that you can call on your website if you want more control over your tracking. By default everything is automatically collected, but you can disable this using data-auto-track="false" and sending the data yourself. See Tracker configuration.



umami.track(event_name, [event_data]);



Tracks a page view.


By default the tracker automatically collects the following properties:

  • hostname: Hostname of server
  • language: Browser language
  • referrer: Page referrer
  • screen: Screen dimensions (eg. 1920x1080)
  • title: Page title
  • url: Page url
  • website: Website ID (required)

If you wish to send your own custom payload, pass in an object to the function:

umami.track({ website: 'e676c9b4-11e4-4ef1-a4d7-87001773e9f2', url: '/home', title: 'Home page' });

The above will only send the properties website, url and title. If you want to include existing properties, pass in a function:

umami.track(props => ({ ...props, url: '/home', title: 'Home page' }));


Tracks an event with a given name.


Event Data

Tracks an event with dynamic data.

umami.track('signup-button', { name: 'newsletter', id: 123 });

When tracking events, the default properties are included in the payload. This is equivalent to running:

umami.track(props => ({
  name: 'signup-button',
  data: {
    name: 'newsletter',
    id: 123,

Event Data Limits

Event Data can work with any JSON data. There are a few rules in place to maintain performance.

  • Numbers have a max precision of 4.
  • Strings have a max length of 500.
  • Arrays are converted to a String, with the same max length of 500.
  • Objects have a max of 50 properties. Arrays are considered 1 property.

Session Data

Tracks a session with dynamic data. You would call the identity function from the tracker script to save data about the current session.

umami.identify({ email: '' });